Ouafae Pakhrou

Intérêts de recherche
- Analyse moléculaire des gènes associés aux molécules olfactifs des plantes disparues, afin de reproduire les odeurs via des levures recombinantes.
- Amélioration de la production des molécules d’intérêt cosmétique ou médicale par des bactéries recombinantes.
- Évaluation de la capacité des bactéries intestinales à éliminer les métaux lourds, en vue d’identifier des candidats probiotiques.
- Développement d’une application pour détecter les carences et les maladies des plantes (d’intérieur) et proposer des solutions.
- Création d’un parfum 100 % bio par des matériaux naturels, éco-responsables et durables (invention de nouvelles molécules olfactives en utilisant des levures recombinantes).
- Pakhrou O., Medraoui L., Belkadi B., et al., (2020). Using two retrotransposon-based marker systems (SRAP and REMAP) for genetic diversity analysis of Moroccan Argan tree. Molecular Biology Research Communications, 9(3), 93.
- Pakhrou O., Medraoui L., Yatrib C., et al., (2017). Assessment of genetic diversity and population structure of an endemic Moroccan tree (Argania spinosa) based in IRAP and ISSR markers and implications for conservation. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 23(3), 651-661.
- Pakhrou O., Medraoui L., Yatrib C., et al., (2016). Study of genetic diversity and differentiation of argan tree population (Argania spinosa) using AFLP markers. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 10(7), 990-999.
- Abdelaziz S. M., Medraoui L., Alami M., Pakhrou O., et al., (2020). Inter simple sequence repeat markers to assess genetic diversity of the desert date (Balanites aegyptiaca) for Sahelian ecosystem restoration. Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 1-8.
- Laakili A., Belkadi B., Medraoui L., Alami M., Yatrib C., Pakhrou O., et al., (2018). Diversity and spatial genetic structure of natural Moroccan Quercus susber assessed by ISSR markers for conservation. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 24(4), 643-654.
- Yatrib C., Belkadi B., Medraoui L., Pakhrou O., et al., (2017). Genetic diversity and population structure of the endangered argan tree (Argania spinosa Skeels) in Morocco as revealed by SSR markers: Implication for conservation. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 11(10), 1304-1314.
- Yatrib, C., Belkadi, B., Pakhrou O. et al., (2015) Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Argania spinosa L. Growing in Arid and Semi-arid Areas of Morocco as Revealed by Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B. 5:336-346.