Stéphanie Pontier
Biochimie, biologie des systèmes /system biology
Intérêts de recherche
Impact de l’environnement sur la capacité de reproduction des organismes, en particulier les insectes et les bactéries et développement de stratégies durables du contrôle de cette reproduction en agriculture ou en santé.
1. Pontier, SM* and Schweisguth F (2022b) Wolbachia affects the aging of the germline stem cell niche in Drosophila melanogaster, in preparation for submission *corresponding author
2. Pontier, SM* and Schweisguth F (2022a) Wolbachia infection affects Insulin signaling in metamorphosing Drosophila males, In revision *corresponding author
3. Kang E., Crouse A, Chevallier L., Pontier SM., Alzahrani A. , Silué N., Campbell-Valois F-X, Montagutelli X, Gruenheid S. , Malo D. (2018) Enterobacteria and host resistance to infection Mamm Genome. 29 (7-8):558-576
4. Onfroy L, Galandrin S, Pontier SM, Seguelas MH, N’Guyen D, Sénard JM, Galés C (2017) G proteins dictate biased agonism through distinct receptor-G protein partitioning. Science report 7(1):7885.
5. Pontier, SM* and Schweisguth F (2017) An answer to Does Pupal communication influence Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility? Curr Biol. 23;27(2):R55-R56 *corresponding author
6. Pontier SM and Campbell-Valois FX (2016) Implications of Spatiotemporal Regulation of Type Three Secretion Apparatus Activity on Effectors Function: Shigella flexneri thinks globally, acts locally. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology.
7. Pontier SM* and Schweisguth F, A Wolbachia-Sensitive Communication between Male and Female Pupae Controls Gamete Compatibility in Drosophila, Current Biology (2015a), Sep 21;25(18):2339-48 *corresponding author -(Article présenté dans la revue F1000 par Dominique Férandon)
8. Pontier SM and François Schweisguth (2012) Glycosphingolipids in signaling and development: from liposomes to model organisms. Dev Dyn. 2012 Jan;241(1):92-106
9. Pontier SM, Huck L, White DE, Rayment J, Sanguin-Gendreau V, Hennessy B, Zuo D, St-Arnaud R, Mills GB, Dedhar S, Marshall CJ, Muller WJ (2010) Integrin-linked kinase has a critical role in ErbB2 mammary tumor progression: implications for human breast cancer. Oncogene. 2010 Jun 10;29(23):3374-85
10. Huck L*, Pontier SM*, Zuo DM and Muller WJ (2010) β1-integrin is dispensable for the induction of ErbB2 mammary tumors but plays a critical role in the metastatic progression. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Aug 31;107(35):15559-64. *Equal contribution of these authors.
11. Pontier SM and William
J Muller (2009) Integrins in mammary-stem-cell biology and breast-cancer progression – a role in cancer stem cells? J Cell Sci 122(Pt 2):207-14.
12. Pontier SM and William J Muller (2008) Integrins in breast cancer dormancy. APMIS. 116(7-8):677-84.
13. Stéphanie M. Pontier, Yann Percherancier, Ségolène Galandrin, Andreas Breit, Céline Galès and Michel Bouvier (2008) Cholesterol-dependant separation of the 2-adrenergic receptor from its partners determines signaling efficacy: insight into nanoscale organization of signal transduction. J Biological Chemistry 283(36):24659-72
14. Gales C, Van Durm JJ, Schaak S, Pontier S, Percherancier Y, Audet M, Paris H, Bouvier M (2006) Probing the activation- promoted structural rearrangements in preassembled receptor-G protein complexes Nat Struct Mol Biol. 13(9):778-86.
15. Pontier SM, Lahaie N, Ginham R, St-Gelais F, Bonin H, Bell DJ, Flynn H, Trudeau LE, McIlhinney J, White JH, Bouvier M (2006) Coordinated action of NSF and PKC regulates GABAB receptor signaling efficacy EMBO J. 25(12):2698-709.
16. Perroy J*, Pontier S*, Charest PG, Aubry M and Bouvier M (2004) Real time monitoring of ubiquitination by BRET, Nat Methods. 2004 Nov 18;1(3):203-208. *These authors contributed equally to the work.
17. Azzi M, Pineyro G, Pontier S, Parent S, Ansanay H, Bouvier M (2001) Allosteric Effects of G Protein Overexpression on the Binding of beta-Adrenergic Ligands with Distinct Inverse Efficacies. Mol Pharmacol 60(5):999-1007
Thèse de doctorat
1. Pontier SM (2006) Nouveaux mécanismes de régulation des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G- Université de Montréal (
1. Pontier SM (2017) Stem cells and aging (Ottawa, Université d’Ottawa, Faculté des sciences de la santé)
2. Pontier SM (2016) Deciphering the neuroendocrine regulation of stem cells using the Drosophila model system (Ottawa, Université d’Ottawa, Dept BMI)
3. Pontier SM and Schweisguth F (2015) Understanding how females control the male germline stem cells in Drosophila (Ottawa, Université d’Ottawa, Dept Biologie)
4. Pontier SM and Schweisguth F (2015) A Wolbachia sensitive communication between male and female pupae control gamete compatibility in Drosophila (Paris, Conférence des Drosophilistes de l’Ile de France)
5. Pontier SM and Schweisguth F (2014) What does Wolbachia teach us about the testis stem cell niche homeostasis in Drosophila -8th Wolbachia conference-Insbruck (Austria)
6. Pontier SM and Schweisguth F (2013) Wolbachia manipulate the male germline stem cell niche through olfaction (Revive Labex conference, France).
7. Pontier SM and Schweisguth F (2013) Impact of Wolbachia on the homeostasis of the testis stem cell niche homeostasis-Conférence mensuelle des Drosophiliste d’Ile de France (DIF) (France)
8. Pontier SM and Schweisguth F (2013) La bactérie endosymbiotique Wolbachia controle l’état d’activité de la niche des cellules souches de la gonade mâle de Drosophila melanogaster -Université Sherbrooke (Canada)
9. Pontier SM and Schweisguth F (2013) La bactérie endosymbiotique Wolbachia controle l’état d’activité de la niche des cellules souches de la gonade mâle de Drosophila melanogaster -IRIC-Université de Montréal (Canada)